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Look what the Lord has done

Jesus you have brought me this far...

Let's back track 4 1/2 years ago. I moved to NYC in May 2006 to pursue modeling. I had an agency in Miami, Chicago and NYC. I moved to Harlem were I had 2 roommates. Little did I know the 140 block seemed to be a hot one, where drug transactions would be a daily thing.

About a month later I had a photo shoot with Essence Magazine. One of the models was a Christian and invited me to the Brooklyn Tabernacle. I was already in search for a church, what a perfect timing.

In June 2006 I was at a crossroad and said no to the world and gave my life to Jesus, hallelujah!
At the present time I was modeling and worked as a waitress at a Coffee and juice spot called Society.

In January 2007 I became an assistant manager at Society the coffee shop.

On September 2007 me and my friend Kathleen were invited to the Transitions young adult Retreat. I was already going to BT for a bout a year, but weren't really connected at the church. After the retreat my whole perspective on life had changed and I was on fire for God. No one could stop me ;-) Oh how I love Jesus.

As well in September 2007, after taking the 9 weeks membership classes, I became a member at the Brooklyn Tabernacle. Praise the Lord.

I got baptized in November 2007. Thank you Jesus.

I joined my first ministry in November 2007 and became a volunteer at BTKids for the elementary age group. The leadership of this ministry just changed and my future husband Todd was part of it. The Lord knew what he was up to, he set it all up ;-) I will go into it a little later...

Ok, so November 2007 was the month of the year ;-) I also went on my 1st missions trip with Transitions to the Philippines. Now this turned my world upside down and I began to realize there is more to life then what I thought USA had to offer.

In January 2008 I was asked to be a part of my 2nd ministry, which was Project Compassion an outreach component of Transitions. And guess who the Leader was... yep you guessed it, my future husband. Only God can do such thing, but little did we know at the time.

Then in February 2008, the Lord opened the door for me to go on my 2nd mission trip to Port-Au Prince, Haiti and to be a part of the awesome work the Lord is doing through Sister Elsie's ministry.

My lease was up in Harlem awww (well not really...YAY!!!) but I had no apartment in site and had 7 days left. Praise the Lord, for is timing was perfect. On April 2008 I moved to Crown Heights and moved in with one of my favorite roommates Liz. Guess who the Lord used to hook me up with the apartment? ...My future husband Todd, and on top of it the apartment was less then 2 blocks from his. Wow God, you are amazing.

I'm telling you 2008 was the year of ultimate change in my life. In June 2008 I went on my 3rd missions trip back to the Philippines. Thank you Jesus.

And what do you think? In July 2008 Mr. Todd and I began our courtship. God was in this from the beginning. We met at the Retreat 2007, where we both went for the 1st time. Then we worked along side each other in BTkids and in Project Compassion. Then we lived close by each other. We became great friends and transitioned into a relationship. LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!!!

In August 2008 I became a leader in Transitions young adult ministry. And it went from zero to 100 instantly. The retreat was right around the corner and we had to put our A game on. Only by God's grace.

The more time I spent with the Lord and the more I got involved in ministry, I realized that some things needed to change. So I "retired" from modeling in September 2008. God gave me total peace to move in another direction and to obey him on a beautiful journey.

Then in October 2008 I unexpectedly got laid of from my manager position at Society. At the time I thought it was bad timing, because now I had no income. God is sovereign and he began to prepare me for full-time ministry. I was unemployed for about 3 months and I had an amazing time with the Lord.

The Lord blessed me in January 2009 with a new job at the Chocolate Room. I loved it there, it was a yummy chocolate dessert cafe. The owners are dear to my heart.

Todd and I got engaged on July 5th 2009. Yay!!!! We had such an amazing day. Thank you Lord for your faithfulness.

In November 2009 I moved into our future newlywed apartment in Bay Ridge.

Yay, the big day on December 5th 2009...Mr. and Mrs. Todd and Nicole Crews. This day was one of the most blessed day in our lives. This was truly a community wedding, so many people from the church supported us. I love the Lord and my beloved husband.

In April 2010 I was playing Mary (the mother of Jesus) in the BT Drama "The Story of Love". This was an amazing experience, and an awesome way to minister to the people.

My husband Todd was ordained to become a Pastor in June 2010. Wow God, I could've not think this far, that I (Nicole Andre Forman now Crews) one day would be a Pastors wife. Only God can make this happen.

In July 2010 I went on my 4th mission trip to the Philippines with my husband and a team of 23 young adults. This was the 1st trip I was a leader. It was such a blessing and I miss the people from PCAT.

Wow...and then the Lord answered a 3 year prayer and opened the door to full-time ministry at the Brooklyn Tabernacle in July 2010. I rejoice in the Lord and thank Him for all He has done.

2 Samuel 22:31 - God's way is perfect!

Look what the Lord has done. So much has happened in the last 4 1/2 years. God changed my heart and saved me by his grace. I can't imagine life without Him. Only God can write such beautiful love stories. I'm not a special person, I was just available and committed to the Lord. What He has done in my life, the Lord can do with yours or even better. I encourage you to give your life to Him and be amazed of all the wonderful things He will do in, for and through your life. Trust the Lord with all of your heart.


Deut 32:4, 2 Sam 22:3, Psalm 12:6 119:40, Proverb 30:5, Matt 5:48




  1. Thank you for sharing such a beautiful and awesome testimony, Nicole. This is a perfect example of God's grace and faithfulness! Keep trusting Him. He has great plans for you both. May He continue to anoint you and bless your ministry!

  2. Love this, I'm starting to see my unemployed state in a whole new light. You are right, commitment to God is key to advancement.. God Bless and keep the testimonies coming sister!

  3. So funny God spoke to me about my future mate with the same verses you put on the His ways and works are perfect. I doubt that sometimes, but I just keep asking God to help me trust and just simply believe!

  4. Wow Nicole, what a testimony!!! I am so moved by what the lord had done for you! I am sooo looking forward to what God has in store for transitions and I am happy that he placed us young adults and you and todd's care. I trust & believe that this ministry will exceed our expectations! Love you both! God's love is amazing!

    1. Hey Miss Dosso :), I can't wait to see what God is going to unfold in your life. You have such a powerful testimony, many chains will be broken. Be encouraged and use your powerful tool for God's glory. We are the light, not the world. So let's be busy bee's and share our story for God's glory!

  5. I LOVE this blog. Thanks for being so open. I feel I can relate to so many things. The Lord moved me to the NYC area as well and my life has never been the same. I've learned so much about Him and His word that I would have never learned before. And I continue learn everyday.

  6. WOW! Thanks for being so open and honest about your journey with Christ, it really helps me and I know it will help and encourage others! God's awesome!

  7. Thank you ladies for reading my blog. God is so amazing and it is all by His grace and power. I'm able to do and share all of this, because of Him. I realized quickly what a powerful tool our testimonies are and I will share it wherever, whenever and with whoever! You all have a powerful story too. Never underestimate that. I never thought my story could bless others, until I was tested to share it for the 1st time in front of 1000 people in the Phillippines. That was nerve racking, but God taught me a beautiful lesson. So many people got saved that day and so many related to my story. Every Christian has a before and after Christ story, and it is powerful, because of Jesus! He saved us, so let's get to sharing. Love you all.

  8. Nicole, thank you so much for sharing your journey! It's so inspiring and such a blessing to see what God has done in your life. It encourages me to keep pressing forward because I KNOW God has a plan for me! I'm so blessed to be able to serve in ministry with you as well. God bless, sis!

  9. Hi Nicole. I loved your story as it is big encouragement to me and very similar to my life story. I have been praying for 3 years for an opening to full-time ministry and for the first time this month I will be going to Singapore to work for 3 months in a huge Assembly of God church. This is my first offer and invitation to work in a church environment and I am very excited. Although I do not know what will happen after the 3 months, I will trust in the Lord and enjoy my work and time there to the maximum!!! Thanks! I posted this story of yours on Twitter hope you don't mind! God bless you and your husband forever.


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