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Holy Life

I honestly believe there is a lack of pursuit of holiness in this generation. The world is definitely far from holy, and it has crept it's way in the church. Unfortunately some are being conformed by the world, rather then allowing the Holy Spirit to transform them.
Evaluate your conversations in fellowships. How often does the word holy or holiness come up? It can be easy to get caught up with what's in right now, how far can I go in relationships, what can I wear that still makes me hot as a Christian? Some like to listen to secular music, because they have good beats, even though they don't glorify God.  Some love watching romance flicks, while they blatantly magnify immortality. The list can be endless of distractions. God has called us to live holy lives, not impure lives (1 Thessalonians 4:7 NLT).

I have such a desire to fully understand God's holiness and what His expectation is of me as a Christian. I don't want to find myself caught up in things, that breaks God's heart. He sacrificed a lot for me.  "And I give myself as a holy sacrifice for them so they can be made holy by your truth.
 “I am praying not only for these disciples but also for all who will ever believe in me through their message."(John 17:19, 20 NLT) I want to put a smile on His face daily.

I love the Word of God, because he is very clear and direct with us. For the Scriptures say, “You must be holy because I am holy.” (1 Peter 1:16 NLT).
Sometimes I wonder, how we as Christians sometimes question what God expects of us, while He has a whole book of expressing His loving requests to us. Are you reading a portion of the bible daily? If not, then I understand why you ask those questions.

I know from my own experience sometimes it's hard to read God's Word, because it exposes our shortcomings and how far we are from His holiness. It is very humbling at times, but also very encouraging. God doesn't expect us to figure it out or work on it by ourselves. He provides a way by the power of His Holy Spirit. Are we tapping into it? So much is available and accessible to us, are we receiving it?

To me holiness is the new swag. If a Christian lives a holy life, it will be contagious. There is so much power in God's holiness. Don't we all want to live a life that is blessed, faithful, humble, just, pure, prayerful and devout. All of these words represent holiness.

I don't want to be identified or compared to the world's standards. Jesus died for me, how dare I compromise and desire the junk that the world has to offer. I want to live a life that is dedicated and consecrated for God. I have never experienced such peace and love before I knew Christ. Everyday my life is designed to serve God. I delight in it and I know God delights in it.

I want to be a godlike example to the lost and I can't afford be tainted, by what the world has to offer. Let us ask God boldly to search our hearts and ask Him, if there is anything in our daily walk that displeases Him? What if we miss out on blessings, because we compromise uncertain areas of our lives? What if He wanted to speak to us, but we couldn't hear Him, because we were bumping it with some ungodly music or movie. What if He wanted us to witness to someone on the train, but the guy got distracted, because he was lusting over the cleavage we exposed. What if God wanted to use us to encourage a girl with a broken heart from a bad relationship, but we missed it, because we were to busy chasing ungodly men? I don't ever want to question myself "what if?". In everything there is a purpose, 2 Timothy 1:9 "For God saved us to live a holy life."

No matter where we are, let us work at living in peace with everyone, and work at living a holy life, for those who are not holy will not see the Lord. (Hebrews 12:14 NLT)

Lord I pray that my life counts to make a difference in this world. I need you daily to cleanse me and purify me, because the world is coming at me strong. I want to live a life that is set apart, godly and brings glory to you. I know I fall short daily, but I thank you for your grace and mercy. I don't expect you to do everything, I want to partner with you and do what you ask of me.You have already done enough, more then I could ask for. I Exalt the LORD our God! I bow low before his feet, for he is holy! (Psalm 99:5 NLT). Thank you Lord for all of your blessings. I believe in your mighty power.

God ends with this verse in the bible:
May the grace of the Lord Jesus be with God’s holy people. (Revelation 22:21 NLT)

I challenge each and one of us to be a generation to live to make Jesus famous and have a reputation of God's holiness.

Nicole Crews


  1. Love this, Nicole! Thanks for writing and posting. We all need to strive to be more like Christ and less like the world.


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