Travel blog
Saturday, Oct. 29th 2011
I thank God every day for waking me up. Especially when I
only had 4 hrs of sleep. Before I went to bed I prepped everything for the next
morning, bags packed, check. Clothes laid out ready to wear, check. Phone
charged, check. Important docs together, check. Snacks for the morning, check.
Taxi booked, check and the list goes on. It is so important to plan ahead as
best as you can to prevent any crazy last minute actions. Little did I know?
I woke up to my smart alarm 15 min. earlier at 4:15am. Common
alarm, don’t be robbing me of my sleep. How many of you would go right back to
sleep after hitting the snooze button? I’m not a big snooze button friend, unlike
my husband. But when you are deprived from sleep, it becomes your best friend.
Well, not really in my case. My alarm clock never buzzed again. Somehow, I felt
something tugging me to wake up! The Holy Spirit does not play around with you.
Now it’s 4:51am. The cab is picking me up at 5:00am. I jumped up like a fire
broke out and got ready within 10 min. Thank God for preparation. The cab
company called and checked up on me, great customer service.
My cab driver was from Yemen and lives in NYC with his
brothers to provide for his family at home. I was impressed of his sacrifice. I
have met many gentleman who had to leave their families at home in their
country to earn a living in another country. Let us take this moment and thank
God for our families. For those that live close by, give an extra shout to God.
Don’t take your family for granted.
I arrived safe and sound at JFK with 45min left before the
take of. Today I’m flying with Jet Blue, so far so good. Got my ticket and
ready to go. Does any one remember the time, when there was no electronic check
in? Back then you had to be at the airport 2 hrs before your flight took off.
Thank God for any electronic devices that simplifies the process and saves time.
Then there goes the security line. It was not looking too
promising. It seemed totally understaffed and way to many people are trying to
get on a flight. I patiently waited, by God’s grace only. I quickly realized
the time is moving fast, but the line doesn’t. Lord have mercy. The lines are
moving slower then molasses, not good! I began to pray. Aren’t you glad God gave us tools
to reach out to him. I love the access to my precious Father in Heaven. Time is
flying by like the cars on the autobahn. Boarding time has started and I’m nowhere
near the gate. Thank you Jesus for the fruits of your Spirit. Gal
5:22 …love, joy, peace, patience, kindness,
goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Of course every
complication broke out with individual people that prolonged the process. At
this point I’m praying: “God you are in control and I’m not.” I probably
repeated it 10 times. I tried to ask some security staff if I would still make
it, but they weren’t promising at all. Rather, discouraging me. Where are the
Christians when you need them to lift you up? Thank God I can depend on Him.
Finally I got through, I didn’t bother packing any of my
stuff, and I just grabbed it all and took of like Speedy Gonzalez. I hear the
call from my gate that there was only 4 min left to board, and what do you
know, it’s on the other end of the hall. God is in control and I’m not! While
I’m running my lounges are burning and I’m starting to loose my breath, which
reminds me I need to get back to my gym exercise. I’m responsible to take care of
God’s temple. You just never know when you oversleep, have to catch a flight,
and security is mad slow. Hallelujah, I made it!!! With a chipped nail, loose
pants (belt was in my hand), lounges burning, and close to dehydration. OK
maybe I’m a little exaggerating. Breathe!
Now what have I learned from this crazy eventful morning? I
learned that God is in control and I’m not! All of my steps are ordered, God
knows everything. See God is in the business of working on my character. That
won’t happen if everything is just going my way and smooth. It is in those
situations, when you are under pressure you get the opportunity to apply the
fruits of the spirit. How will you react? It’s easy to obey and apply the
guidelines from the Word of God, when you are in good shape and everything is
always fine. But what would have happened if I had missed my flight? It
happened to me before, God is still in control. You never know what He could
prevent me from. There could have been a car accident on the road 20 min
earlier. Imagine I would have not prepped the night before and would have left
everything to do in the morning. I would’ve definitely missed my flight. So I also
learned planning is very helpful and good. Do understand we can plan all we
want, and it’s important to plan, but we have to leave room for God to do what
He needs to do. He directs my path; He knows where I’m going and where I need
to be. God never misses a beat, He is perfect. So when you find yourself under
pressure, know that in Christ everything is possible and that people are
watching. I could have blown my witness for acting out of control. But thank
God He kept me in check. I hope you were able to laugh out loud and at the same
time were encouraged, by my lovely almost typical crazy eventful travel
By Nicole Crews
I knew you would appreciate this story Ames :)