Dear healthy part of me,
how are you? I have been getting to know you and you give me such a great perspective on how to live my life effectively. It's been such a delight to discover peace and joy with you. You are teaching me to slow down in life and pay attention to my surroundings. You help me be present with those I value the most. You give me the confidence to say no when something comes my way that is not meant for me to do. You help me choose to be present over perfect. You help me sit at the feet off Jesus and embrace the process of healing. It's so wonderful to experience what health feels like. I don't regret what I have been through, because it makes it so much sweeter to experience your health. I have a story to tell and with your insight, I can help others through my transformation. God wants us to be emotionally healthy so that we can function properly in life and be His servant. God wants to use us to help others find Him. Through my growing healthy views, I can finally connect the dots. Thank you for being persistent and for not giving up on me when I was stuck in unhealthy ways of thinking and living. You help me to walk instead of run, you help me reflect instead of forgetting, you help me experience every emotion instead of stuffing them. Thank you for making me uncomfortable even at the slightest thought of going back to unhealthy ways of thinking. I’m so grateful to know Jesus and to be in partnership with my healthy part. Together we can live by example and be helpers to the many people who are still on the journey to discover their healthy part. I look forward to keeping growing and learning and one day stand before God to hear His words “Well done my good and faithful servant.” Until then let’s continue to dig deep and pull out the rotten roots that have gotten in the way for my healthy part to thrive. Thank you.
Nicole (my true inner self)
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