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Language of love

Missions trip Pila Laguna Philippines July 2nd-13th 2010

Let me tell you about my little boy Chip-Chris-Christopher (we kept mixing up his name) but he responded to all 3 of them.

Chris is 9 years old. I met him for the first time in November 2007, when he was 6 years old. He is so handsome. He has the cutest smile that will melt your heart away and a lazy eye that makes him unique. Chris has as far as I know 5 or more siblings. Him and his family live in the squatter areas. I believe he is still in first grade and it's hard for the family to fund for Chris to go to school. He does not speak english very well, so it was hard to communicate with each other. Chris delights in singing and dancing, I have watched him sing worship songs with all of his heart. I would hear his voice stick out and I was very encouraged to see him still around. I pray that God will open a door for him to be used at the church in Pila Laguna called PCAT (Pila Christ Agape Tabernacle).

My husband and I went with a team of young adults from Transitions ministry to Pila Laguna Philippines for 10 days for a mission trip. Some of us have been there several times. We have build relationships with the community.

Missions team

When we arrived at the church I was so happy to see my little boy Chris. For some reason he was very shy and kept hiding from me. I wasn't used to this, because he knew me from previous trips. Thank God someone confirmed to me later that it had nothing to do with me. He was shy to everybody, he would smile and run away. I tried to chase after him every time I saw him. Chris was a fast one and took off the minute he saw me get close to him. I have to be honest, that kind of hurt me a bit.

Day two - Chris came by the church again, I greeted him from far and called him over. He would bless me with his handsome smile and then take off. I stayed consistent and would not stop pursuing him. Some how he must have like the attention, because he kept coming around and made sure he is distant enough to run when he needed to.

Day three - After a long day at the medical clinic we began to wrap up, and all of a sudden I see Chris standing right next to me. What surprise! I thought I was going to have to play the chasing game for the whole trip. It actually started to be fun. I kneeled down to him and took a picture of Chris (I wanted to make sure I have that at least before he took of). Then I opened my arms widely and was ready to embrace him. He looked at me with a shy smile and slowly came near to hug me. Yeeeeeessss praise the Lord. My heart felt like I reunited with my lost son (well not sure what that really feels like, since I don't have my own child) but you know what I mean, you can fill in the blanks. I was very happy, excited, thrilled and all that good stuff.

For the next couple of days every morning I was greeted at the hotel with the loudest whole-heartedly voice: "ATE NICOLE" (ate means sister) and beautiful flowers. My heart was lifted and filled with joy. How amazing is this, we came to bless the people in Pila Laguna, but we were blessed more then we could ask for. One thing is for sure, the Filipinos are the most hospitable people I have ever seen. They have way less when it comes to material things compared to us, but they understand the importance of family unity. I believe that is lacking in the US. The love Chris showed me was so pure, sweet, sincere and real.

One day I was playing with the kids and Chris and I remember my heart ached when I saw his legs bruised and cut. Flies were crawling in his wounds and dirt was causing the wounds to get infected and slowed the process of healing. Thank God for Lamia, our super doctor sent from heaven. I called her over to check his wounds and she immediately brought her first aid kit. Lamia said to me: "Hold his hands because this is going to hurt him". She had to clean his wounds with alcohol. Now hear comes the best part, I'm holding his hands, he is watching Lamia fix his wounds and then he begins to laugh. Lamia and I were stunned, because we know the typical reaction to it. I was so proud of my little boy Chris...or better yet big boy Chris. Mind you throughout this whole time I couldn't explain to him what we are

doing, because of the language barrier. He seemed just fine, there was a sense of trust and calmness in him.

Throughout the week we had children festival, prayer meetings, youth conferences, feeding program, clothes distributions, visiting squatter areas and much more. Chris was faithfully joining us in all. As the trip came closer to the end, I began to miss him and was sad to know I soon have to say goodbye. I was threading that day. I know most of our team members were as well, since we all had special relationships with the community.

The last evening before we left, the church had a farewell service for us. The community came together, we sang worship songs and received awards from Sister Marilyn and Rev. Alland (the founder and leaders of the church). We also by God's provision were able to bless the church with needed items. It was a joyful moment. Then the time came to say goodbye and we all bust out in tears. Oh Lord have mercy. It was amazing to see how strong the relationships were build within 10 days. I had such a hard time to say goodbye to Chris. He sat next to Todd and I during the service. He was very sad and didn't say much. His sister Annabel came over to cheer him up, but that didn't work. I had sister Christi translate for me. I wanted him to know that I love him and that I'm very proud of him. I believe in him and encouraged him to get involved in the church. All of a sudden he hugged me tight and cried out loud. Oh my goodness, that was hard. We both cried together, and eventually calmed down. Thank God for more worship songs, because my little Chris jumped up and danced and

sang Ang Diyos A Mabuti (My God is good)

"Dear Lord I thank you for this awesome opportunity to go to the Philippines and meet such beautiful people that are dear to my heart. Please protect Chris and his family. Use him for your glory and make him the man of God that you created him to be. I look forward to see him again one day, until then share my love with him. I pray that you will open the doors for him to get involved in the church, if this is your will. I give you all the glory and honor. Amen."

What did God teach me on this trip? Everybody can communicate with each other. Everybody understands the Language of Love. Yes we couldn't communicate in english or in tagalog, but we didn't needed to. We communicated in the power of love. Only God can make that happen, God is awesome and amazing in all His doings. Thank you Jesus!

God is love


  1. What a beautiful experience! Thank you for sharing this story, it's very heartwarming and inspiring. I definitely agree with your statement about family unity in the US....many kids are being raised by the tv or video games and it's such a shame. I guess that's what happens when you let material items become the center of your life instead of God. Lord, have mercy on this nation... Your story made me cry, but also encouraged me by reinforcing the fact that God's love can break all barriers! Praise God and may He continue to bless you and Todd and use you both to do His work and spread His love.

  2. Nicole!! thank you so much for this heartwarming account. Ive heard you tell it on the trip but somehow seeing it now brought about a new blessing and shed new light. I see in it so many more dimensions, including many's relationships incluidng my own with God. How many times He watches smiling, waiting for us to run to Him, giving us our space to run, but waiting patiently for us to return all the while delighting in our smiles and intrigue by Him. And the unexpressable joy that fills His heart when we run to Him and trust him. THank you again for who you are in Him and for being a blessing. Love you sis...Lamia

  3. Hey Nicole. This really was such a blessing. The Filipino children hold a special place in my heart. After reading your account, I remember how much I miss them. Those pictures you posted at the end with Chris and you really sum up the trip. After reading how he kept a distance, only to run crying into your arms at the end, it's amazing. I will continue to pray for Chris.

  4. Thank you guys so much for taking the time to read my blog. My prayer is that it bless all of you and who ever reads it. You all just confirmed it that it does and I give God all the glory. I really appreciate the support. I love the Lord so much.

  5. What a testimony it was very inspiring. God really blessed you guys with a gift of love, kids are so innocent and suffer sometimes the most.Hope chris is protected by the holy spirit. Blessed are those who take care of the lords children. God bless transitions and the Crews.


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