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A superhero party

What a joy it was to see our son Canaan have so much fun with his sister Zoe and all of his friends at his birthday party in June. The kids had a blast, the weather was perfect and all the hard work that went into it was all worth it.   Canaan The Conqueror - Birthday Boy My husband Todd and I are very intentional when it comes to any events we are doing, especially when it involves our children. Our parties will be the best our kids want to be at, because we desire for them to see home as an exciting place and for their friends to feel welcomed. Yes it will be tons of work, but at the end they are in a safe environment around people that love them the most.  Our daughter Zoe I was able to get away with coming up with themes for our kids birthday parties. But this year my son voiced his opinion. I thought of a cute fire fighter party. Todd thought of a fun pool party (ummm I'm not having 20 2-4 year olds around the pool lol). Canaan said loud and proud, ...
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