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Love Covers All

Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. 1 Peter 4:8 TNIV

I love Jesus for who He is and for all He has done for me. He covered my multitude of sins and saved me. No matter what I have done or been exposed to, God forgave me and restored my heart.

I wish someone had told me, about the love of God, when I was a child. I learned religion in school, but by no means have they portrait our Father in heaven for who He truly is and what He has done for us. God is love and if you don’t know God you can’t love, for God is the essence of love.

If you truly love God, you will imitate His character. To cover someone in love means to protect them and don't expose their weaknesses or flaws. The more we grow in Christ, the more compassion we will have for all people. We will be quick to forgive and quick to help others in need. I love the story Pastor Cymbala shared with us one day, about a man who wanted to jump of a building. Pastor had the opportunity to speak with the person. He was able to convince him not to jump. Once he came back in the window, the cops immediately put handcuffs on the guy. This disturbed our Pastor and he kindly ask if he could put his coat around him to cover the handcuffs as the guy was escorted to the car.  That was a true example to cover someone in love. God gives us many opportunities to do the same and share acts of love to our friends and families.

Have you ever gotten involved with an outrageously angry person? How many of you experienced, by responding with an act of love, the person was able to calm down? Weather it is by listening, showing affection, expressing understanding, speaking gently, encouraging and smiling. Which all of these, are an act of love and by doing that most people’s anger will defuse. Love is so powerful and it is able to cover over a multitude of sins. Trust me I know all about anger issues, because I was that person. A lot of things shaped me in my upbringing and caused me to be angry about life. But God just knows how to get into your heart and change your mistreated emotions. Anger in itself is not sin. God expressed or mentioned anger in the bible 465 times. It is our faulty action that makes us commit sin. I’m so grateful for the many friends and leaders God has placed in my life, that patiently loved me through my weakness and taught me many lessons. 

I love the scriptures below, it is one of the most quoted when people get married. It really should be our daily meditation of the day. If you replace the name of love with your name, don’t the verses starting to reveal something to you? Try it.

4 Love is patient, love is kind. Love does not envy, love does not boast, love is not proud. 5 Love does not dishonor others, love is not self-seeking, love is not easily angered, and love keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 Love always protects, always trusts, always hopes, and always perseveres. 1 Corinthians 13:4-7

Whoa, I have some heart searching to do, because there are a few I fall short on a daily basis. I couldn’t even get through the first one. Nicole is patient. I want to believe it, but I know I would be lying to myself. I may be patient in some areas, but in others I find myself get aggravated and complain. Lord have mercy on me. I’m truly a work in progress. Don’t judge me, if you have mastered all of them that would mean you are perfect. And we know there is only one person who is perfect and that is JESUS!


Lord I thank you for your unconditional love for us. You are so gracious to us and we don’t even deserve it. I thank you for being the true example on how to love each other. Lord I pray that you will continue to show me the right way to speak, act and live. I ask that you will correct us in love and make our hearts tender to receive it. Please do don’t allow any stubbornness and pride to get in the way. Expose all of the lies and give us grace to face it. I pray you will make us true examples of your word and encourage each other. I pray this blog will lift people up and give you all the glory.  In Jesus name I pray, Amen. 

By Nicole Crews


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